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Expungement Services

Expungement is a legal process that can provide significant benefits to individuals with a criminal record in California. Here's how expungement can help someone in the state:​

  1. Employment Opportunities: One of the most substantial advantages of expungement is the improvement of employment prospects. Many employers conduct background checks on potential employees, and a criminal record can be a significant barrier to finding a job. Once your record is expunged, you can legally state that you have not been convicted of the crime in question on job applications, potentially increasing your chances of securing employment.

  2. Professional Licensing: Certain professions and occupations require professional licenses, which can be difficult to obtain or maintain with a criminal record. Expunging your record can make it easier to obtain or keep a professional license, enabling you to pursue your career goals.

  3. Housing Opportunities: Many landlords conduct background checks on prospective tenants. A criminal record can make it challenging to find suitable housing. Expunging your record can help you qualify for rental properties and improve your housing options.

  4. Education and Financial Aid: A criminal record can also affect your eligibility for educational opportunities and financial aid. By expunging your record, you may become eligible for scholarships, loans, and educational programs that were previously unavailable to you.

  5. Personal Confidence and Peace of Mind: Expungement can provide a sense of closure and relief. Knowing that your past mistakes are not readily accessible to the public can boost your self-esteem and provide peace of mind, allowing you to move forward with confidence in your personal and professional life.

  6. Restoration of Rights: In some cases, expungement can restore certain rights, such as the right to vote or serve on a jury, which may have been restricted due to a criminal conviction.

 Expungement can be a valuable tool for individuals looking to overcome the barriers posed by a criminal record and move forward with a fresh start in California.

Infraction Expungement

Have an infraction on your record? Let us help you clear it up. With our Infraction Expungement service, we can assist you in removing the blemish on your record. It's important to note that traditional expungements were not available for infractions in California, but with the recent change from AB 2582, we can now clear all non-traffic criminal infractions under Penal Code 1203.4. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.


Misdemeanor Expungement

Don't let a past mistake hold you back. Our Misdemeanor Expungement service can help clear your record of past convictions, allowing you to move forward with greater freedom and confidence. In California, a misdemeanor conviction can have a lasting impact on your ability to secure employment and provide for your family. Let us help you take back control and clear your name.


Felony Expungement

We believe that everyone deserves a second chance. Our Felony Expungement service is designed to help you move past your past mistakes and create a better future. In today's world, where criminal background checks are becoming more and more common, it's essential that you have a clean slate. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you make a fresh start.


Reduce Your Felony to a Misdemeanor 

A California wobbler is a type of criminal offense that can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony. Felony convictions of wobbler offenses may be reduced to misdemeanors.  Reducing a felony to a misdemeanor in California is crucial for improving opportunities in employment, housing, and education. It also helps restore certain civil rights and may mitigate immigration consequences for non-U.S. citizens. Additionally, it reduces social stigma and may make individuals eligible for record expungement, offering a fresh start and increased privacy. 

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